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Why Students Need a Title IX Lawyer

Jun 20

The vast majority of colleges and universities receive federal funding and are legally obligated to comply with Title IX. A Title IX Lawyer can ensure that students accused of sex offenses receive all the protections they are entitled to during their school’s disciplinary proceedings.

This includes the issuance of interim measures like no contact orders, which may interfere with social membership in fraternities and sororities or athletic participation.

Due process

Many schools receive federal funding and are subject to Title IX, which forbids discrimination on the basis of sex. When a student files a complaint of sexual assault or harassment, the school is required to conduct an investigation and hold a disciplinary hearing.

However, this process is often flawed due to the way schools are mandated to respond and their limited guidelines. The resulting processes often have the atmosphere of a judge-free zone, and the disciplinary teams that oversee these cases do not have the same qualifications as the judges in the criminal justice system.

Additionally, investigators hired by the school are often biased because their funding depends on how the university manages its investigation and disciplinary proceedings. This may cause them to overlook important details in the case. As a result, a student who is found guilty of a Title IX violation may lose their academic career and financial aid. The ramifications of such sanctions can last years.


An accused student’s testimony at a Title IX hearing is crucial to their defense. If a respondent doesn’t fully prepare for testifying, they could end up making statements that can undermine their case later. A skilled student defense attorney can “coach” a student on what they should and cannot say during the process to avoid future liability.

While recent regulations have attempted to address some of the structural limitations in Title IX proceedings, there is still a long way to go. For instance, if a school limits the amount of evidence a respondent can introduce at a hearing, this could significantly impact their defense. A student defense lawyer can help to challenge these restrictions and make sure the full breadth of evidence is considered.

No one wants to find themselves mired in a pseudo-criminal process and forced to relive their experiences or answer baseless or exaggerated allegations. A Title IX accusation can have significant and long-lasting consequences for a student, including suspension or expulsion from their institution and a permanent mark on their transcript.

Representation at the hearing

Since Title IX makes it illegal for schools that receive federal funds to discriminate based on sex, colleges have a duty to conduct fair investigations and hearings in sexual misconduct cases. This means that students (also known as “respondents”) have a right to have an advisor of their choice, like a lawyer, present at any meetings or hearings related to the case.

Hearings are generally conducted by university panels that decide if there was a violation and what sanctions the accused should face. These panels usually use a preponderance of evidence standard, which is less demanding than the criminal justice system’s beyond a reasonable doubt standard.

Having an experienced Rochester Title IX defense lawyer can help protect your rights at these meetings. Your attorney can also cross-examine witnesses and ensure that the hearing panel has all the information they need to make a fair decision. Your lawyer can also file motions to correct any violations of your rights that occurred during the investigation or hearing process.

Representation in litigation

When allegations of sexual misconduct are made, schools usually initiate a long and complex process of investigations, hearings, sanction boards and student panels to determine whether an accused student has committed the offense. The consequences of such a finding can be severe: from loss of housing to expulsion from school altogether.

Title IX Lawyer Phoenix are able to help students navigate such processes. They will appear with the accused student as their advisor and make sure that they are being afforded fundamental rights, based on the school’s policies and federal guidelines.

Additionally, they will be able to gather and submit evidence such as text messages or emails, witness statements and documents. They will also challenge the credibility of the accuser by showing inconsistencies in her story and other factors that call her into question. They will also ensure that no retaliation is taking place and help file a complaint against the school or faculty member for such acts.




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