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Rodents In Tampa Florida

May 18

How Rodents became pets

Rodents are those who have lived with or near humans for many years. They can easily find food from our scraps and store it then they can in the wild. However, rodents are not animals that have been kept as pets over centuries, like cats and dogs, who provided companionship and protection and helped with hunting, or dogs and cats, which were able to contain pests like rats and mice.

A Brief History of Rats

Both Brown and black rats were born in Asia. They moved west with traders and travelers... but black rats started migrating west around a thousand years earlier than brown rats. In Europe, rats developed a very bad reputation for spreading bubonic plague though technically it was spread by fleas on rats - not rats themselves.

The Victorian era saw a rise in rat populations in Europe, causing serious problems, especially in England. Ratcatchers were busier than ever and decided to make more money by rat baiting, a blood sport that attracted gamblers. In London, there were more than 40 rat-baiting stations by 1840, which was its most popular year. Although rat baiting was eventually banned, it existed for 70+ years before that.

At this point, Jack Black, a ratcatcher, started keeping rats and training them. This was the beginning of rat homemaking. Black separated the rats into two different groups. Black taught some of these rats to run up and then down while describing the effectiveness of his rat-catching services. This group of rats was also used by him to show the quick results of the rat poison mixture he used.

He also kept and tamed "pretty" rats, which were beautiful or unusually colored. These rats were dressed in ribbons and sold to women to be their pets. The trend quickly spread throughout Europe, and in 1901 Mary Douglas held a pet-rat show at the National Mouse Club. After Douglas' death, interest waned. The National Fancy Rat Society was established in England in 1970.

What is the difference between a Fancy Rat and a Rat?

A fancy Rat is another way to refer to domesticated Rats. Wild rats and domesticated rats are very different.

Wild rats are not social, except for mating. The strongest and most aggressive rat in nature tends to survive. If they feel threatened or trapped, they will bite and fight. Technically, any type of rat can respond aggressively to threats. However, wild rats are more likely to do this.

Fancy and domesticated dogs are more gentle because they were bred to be that way. They also tend to be very clean. Because early rats were domesticated for their looks, they have a greater range of colors.

Are Rats Aggressive?

Any animal can become aggressive if threatened. However, wild rats are more aggressive than domesticated or "fancy", rats. High-stress levels are the main reason for general aggression in rats, regardless of their type.

What is the Average Rat's Life Expectancy?

On average, rats live for about two years. You can live longer, especially for domesticated rats, but a three-year-old rat is still a very elderly rat. Wild rats live for an average of 1.8 years.

How long have people kept rodents as pets?

Mice were first observed by humans at the beginning of civilization. Keeping mice as pets has been documented since the 1700s. In China and Japan, mice were domesticated. Europeans imported the " fancy mouse" and started to breed them with their local counterparts. The Victorian era saw the popularity of "fancy mice", and England established a National Mouse Club.

Rat keeping is relatively new. It all started in Victoria, around the same time as the height of the "fancy mouse" pet craze.

Tampa Pest Busters Rodent Experts

Tampa Pest Busters can help if you have a problem with a rat or any other rodent. Chances are if one rodents in Tampa Florida are seen, there is much more hiding. We can help you live in a critter-free environment as soon as you contact us.


Tampa Pest Busters

Tampa Florida

(813) 796 6261